Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 5, 2018

Essentia ICO

Essentia ICO - The decentralized framework to create, store and access your digital life!
Why Essentia has been created?
   Nowadays, the user’s data, habits, personal informations, locations, social relations, financial details and so on, represent the best mine of value for the service providers as well as for bad actors. 
   The horror stories surrounding data breaches don’t even need to be retold: names like Equifax, Facebook and Cambridge Analytica are enough. 
   Essentia gives users a framework which allows them to remain completely anonymous if they wish and also gives them the ability to keep data about their machine private. By using a secure framework like Essentia, users can be sure that they’re not being taken advantage of. They can filter out what entities are allowed to access data about them. This framework provides a way to fully .
What is Essentia? 
  Essentia is the trustless modular framework allowing users to operate with their digital decentralized identities and data by creating their operating system with on-chain capabilities that can be accessible from all the devices in the world.It empowers users with the full control and ownership of their data, IDs, information, privacy and assets, while being applicable in every device in the world, dApp, blockchain and third party service that an user wish to control in a decentralized manner.
Đánh giá ICO của Essentia


     Private: Only the main user, also known as the “seed” has full control over their data. Other computers, servers, or third-party entities can access seed information without prior authorization.
   Customizable: Essentia is incredibly easy to customize for whoever is going to be primarily using it. Essentia can be used to protect the identity of machines and humans alike. Each person or machine will have different requirements and will need to customize the Essentia system to meet specific needs.
   One Environment: The Essentia environment provides a central hub that can be used to store multiple forms of identifications, personal data, information about assets, and more. All of this information is completely secure and decentralized.

How Essentia work? 
The Essentia framework is made up of two elements: Essences and Synergies.
   - Essences - self-contained modules that store a specific digital life. Essences are self-contained modules that hold the data of a particular web user. But not their entire identity: Just enough data for them to be able to access a particular web service. A user may own multiple Essences , and '' own'' is the key word here - because the individual retains full control of their data at all time. Every time thay entrust their data to a parricular application ( decentralized or otherwise ) , they retain the right to withdraw that permission at any time. That way platforms can access the data they need, so as to provide their users with a customized service, but aren't lumped with having to look after that informatinon 24/7.
Now let's delve deeper into how they work, and examine their companion, Synergies.
   When you access a site on the centralized web, there’s certain information that the platform needs about you in order to function. This might include your timezone, IP address, username, and browser type. Then there’s the additional information which the platform might want, so that it can target advertising or serve more relevant content, but which it doesn’t technically need.
    Essences empower web users to grant dApps access to the data they need and no more. Not only that, but the user retains the right to withdraw that privilege at any time. This incentivizes decentralized platforms to act responsibly and to earn the trust of their community. 
   Synergies- described as the “connective tissue” of the Essentia framework, Synergies are what enable Essences to interoperate. They’re a tool that developers can harness to build upon Essentia’s open source code and help make the decentralized web closer-knit and better connected. Want to connect a decentralized exchange or wallet to Essentia? You need to create a Synergy. Want to integrate a cryptocurrency blockchain with the Essentia framework? Once again, it’s done via Synergies. These interoperable pieces of code are what makes the decentralized web whole, and enable it to be browsed just like the current web, smoothly and securely.

Essentia Benefits?

  • the full ownership and control over your own identity, digital life and personal data
  • the minimum piece of information that the user/machine needs is just his seed. The whole framework or just parts of it can be always loaded/bootstrapped from the seed, that can be safely stored on the hardware-key too (keyware)
  • anonymous, pseudo-anonymous and real-world-compliant IDs and subIDs at your fingertips
  • solving the problem of having any intermediary own or view your data
  • the ability to operate with multiple blockchain under one ecosystem, but keeping everything decentralized and in your full control
  • the ability to keep everything decentralized, but under one ecosystem only
  • the ability to keep everything private related where desired, by seamlessly creating sub IDs when needed
  • making the accessibility easy to users that wish to utilize decentralized systems and technologies, by Essentia integrated modules and dApps Store
  • the integration with native Essentia hardware devices, to improve security and relate the digital to the physical world
  • the smooth private login, interaction and interoperability to multiple blockchains, third party services and decentralized applications
  • dedicated and expandable open-hardware machines able to run the whole framework or just part of it, if not just a standalone module like a full Ethereum node

ESS token
   ESS is the name of the token that powers the Essentia Framework, and it does a lot more than simply pay for stuff, but we’ll get that in a sec.
  The Essentia token is:
- An ERC20 token that operates on the Ethereum network.
- Fungible (i.e each token has the same worth and is interchangeable).
- Used to pay for additional services and features.
- Exchangeable for ether and other cryptocurrencies.

ESS can be used to pay for a range of services and features. Any time you wish to pay for a particular service or upgrade, or acquire additional storage, it will be paid for using ESS. The token adds convenience, as it can also be used to pay for access to the many dApss that will be linked to Essentia. Instead of having to store multiple tokens for multiple services on the decentralized web, Essentia will simplify matters by making ESS compatible with all of the dApps it’s connected to.
   Essentia’s main focus, initially, is on developing integrations with other cryptocurrency dApps, the end goal is to onboard businesses from all corners of the globe and all sectors.
   Essentia has already begun work on pilot programs for a number of major organizations, including employment ministries and government agencies in Europe. Record keeping is just one of the many ways in which blockchain can be harnessed, and as part of its mission to drive adoption of decentralized technologies, Essentia will be constructing bespoke private chains to enterprises, based on the Essentia framework, and developing custom integrations that enable businesses to stake their claim in the new internet that is being created.

   Essentia was formed by Matteo Gianpietro Zago, Mirco Mongiardino, and Vladimir Holubovych
   Essentia operates out of offices in Amsterdam and two other countries, and comprises a talented and tightknit core team, complemented by specialist business advisors.



   Essentia will be at the forefront of this movement, helping to link these platforms and technologies together, making the web accessible to all, and granting millions the tools necessary to control their digital lives.
   For more information on the Essentia Project please join the way to visit the Web site and some of the Social Links below:

Username: Ana Le
BitcoinTalk profile:;u=1504388  
My ether wallet : 0x42A44B84a49A0bfE4Ab315E9c209F3e0074c270c

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